Monday, April 7, 2014

The Countdown Until Spring Break (Staff Pick Me Ups)

Despite the snow days and the unexpected time off Spring Break just seemed like a (very) distant dream.  Well this year to pump up the staff for the exciting break, we did a countdown with a daily theme for the days before spring break (similar to the 12 days of Christmas, which we also do and I'll share later on).  Several teachers and myself thought of this and we also had help from our PTA.  So here's what we did:

-Hawaiian/Island Day, wear your favorite tropical themed shirt, hat, etc.  Kelly and I had on fresh leis straight from Hawaii that someone brought back for us from their trip right before this (how convenient).

Check out our "official" leis.  They are absolutely beautiful & I loved being able to smell fresh flowers all day.
Our staff really got into this!
-Guess the number of (spring) M&M's in the jar and the person closet to the actual number wins.

-Island Snack Themed Day (sponsored by our PTA)

Pineapple juice with umbrellas, I can almost see the beach!
-Spring "Prom" and Photo Booth Day, we LOVE a photobooth opportunity at JYJ!  We have an awesome staff member who was a former journalist & photographer who took pics of everyone.

-Easter Egg Hunt Day, there were 5 plastic eggs hidden throughout the building (a parent hid them) and if you found an egg you won a prize.  I actually won a gift card from finding an egg!

-March Munching Madness Day, wear your favorite college team shirt and bring in finger/snack foods to share with the staff.

-Staff "Sailing" Spotlight Day, write a note to a staff member to brighten their day and for a special touch we had Lifesavers candy to add to the sailing effect.  Each staff member was assigned a person to write a note to.  It was so nice to receive a little pick me up note during the week.

-Wake Up and Read PJ Day, this was the end of our district wide book collection drive and both students and staff wore PJ's.  Our school collected over 4,000 books to donate!

This was soooo much fun to do and went over well with the staff as you can tell from the pics.  We may have to do a another countdown for other school milestones, stay tuned.

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