Monday, September 5, 2011

Keep the books coming!

Thank you so much for all of the gently used books you have donated to the character education book bucks cart.  Those of you unfamiliar with the program:  Students are given "book bucks" for showing any of the WCPSS character education traits.  These traits are:  responsibility, respect, courage, kindness, self discipline, integrity, perseverance and good judgment.  Each Friday, students are allowed to use in their book bucks to buy a book (or two).  The excitement in the children's faces is amazing!  If you didn't know, I am an avid reader and I love how books can expose you to many things, spark unknown interests and dig deeper into things that you are already aware of.  Thank you!!!  Please feel free to donate any children's books that you are no longer using to the JYJ book bucks cart anytime throughout this year.  Pin It

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