Monday, October 20, 2014

The Power of Self-D Review & Giveaway

What counselor isn't a fan of biblio-counseling, meaning that we use books as a resource to work with students whether it be individually, with a small group or even with class visits.  I had the pleasure of receiving a copy of The Power of Self-D, Willie Bohanon & Friends Learn the Power of Self-Determination by Kip "Mr. J" Jones, which is an excellent character education book on overcoming facing challenges, peer pressure and making good choices.

I would use this book for my older students (4th-5th graders) and it would also be excellent for middle school students because it is totally relatable for "tweens".  Our story deals with Willie Bohanan raised in a single-parent home with several siblings who struggles with choosing academics over being "cool" with his friends and strives to be the first in his family to go to college.  I especially like how the (relatable to tweens) acronym SWAG (Self-Determination, Working Hard, Ambition, Guidance) shows them steps and tools they can use to be successful.  This is great addition to my counselor library.

Thanks to Mr. J, I have an extra copy to give away, please enter below to win:

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  1. Sounds great and I would love to try it out with my middle schoolers!!

  2. I love the acronym - my kiddos would l-o-v-e it!

  3. This is awesome. I think it will really resonate well with our 4-6 graders. It would be perfect as a push in lesson

  4. I love teaching kiddos about respect! We talk about how they can show respect for their school, themselves, and others!

  5. My favorite character trait is empathy.

  6. i love teaching responsibility!

  7. Thanks for the kind words Andrea. I am glad you liked it. The Activity book will be out for this book in February. I will send it to you and give me your feedback. I think you will like it.
