Monday, December 9, 2013

(Another) Holiday Assistance Idea for Students

Yes, the holidays are certainly in full swing and I like many of you are in charge of some sort of holiday assistance program at my school.  I've shared with you in a post about how I plan and implement at holiday assistance program at my school.  But surprise, I have another idea for holiday assistance to share....

This year our student support team thought of another way to help students that may need giving them a school shirt.  So that's exactly what we're doing.  Just think about it, when you first started working at your school, when you received your school shirt you felt a sense of "being official" and belonging so why wouldn't our students that don't have a school shirt feel this same exact way?
Here are a few of my school shirts.  They make me feel "official". 
From that thought we decided to collect gently used school t-shirts or give parents the option to donate money to purchase new school shirts (each shirt is $10).  I am not sure of the dynamics of your school, but as I'll say again, I am extremely fortunate to work in a school where we have lots of support from parents.  Most parents have donated money to purchase new shirts.  I've given out some of the shirts and the excitement and smiles are absolutely amazing!  We have had a lot of support as well as positive feedback on this project and would like to continue this throughout the year for new students that may transfer in mid-year and may not be able to purchase a school shirt.  Something so small to us as a school t-shirt can really make a huge impression on a child. 

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