
Monday, February 18, 2013

More Counselor Led Book Club Suggestions

Thank you to the many wonderful counselors who gave suggestions on more books that would be great to have for your counselor led book club. From your suggestions, I was able to order several sets for my 4th & 5th grade book clubs (I hope to order the rest in the next couple of months).   I am able to purchase sets of 12 books for my book club through a grant through my school's PTA (they are wonderful).  Here are some more book suggestions:

-Wonder (deals with a child having a disability) *I ordered this book

-Mockingbird (deals with a student having Aspergers)

-There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom (deals with social skills/behavior) *I ordered this book

-Gifted Hands (deals with achievement despite difficult circumstances, poverty, broken home)

-The Strange Case of Origami Yoda (deals with self discovery)

-The Girls (deals with cliques) *I ordered this book

-Eagle Song (deals with family changes, diversity)

-Locomotion (deals with broken family, foster care) *I ordered this book

-Peace Locomotion (Part II of Locomotion, deals with broken family, foster care) *I ordered this book

-On My Honor (deals with following rules, loss of a friend) *I ordered this book

-Izzy's Place (deals with family changes)

-The One and Only Ivan (deals with friendship)

Do you have any more books to add to the list?  I'd love to hear them.


  1. I helped run a book club group when I interned a couple of years ago, but haven't run once since (but I would LOVE too). Do you think all of the books your posted are appropriate for upper elementary kids?

    Do you have any suggestions on running the book club? Do you send kids home with the books with "homework" to read up to a certain point?


  2. Not sure if you have used it but I love Each little bird that sings by Deborah Wiles

  3. I am trying to start a 3rd grade book club, any suggestions for books

  4. Loved these suggestions! I have also enjoyed reading Loser, Fourth Grade Rats, and Crash, all by Jerry Spinelli
