
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February's Black History Month!

February is an exciting month, not only is it National School Counseling week during this month, but is the month to celebrate the accomplishments and history of African-Americans.   Here are some of the things that I'm doing during the month:

-I made a  black history month book display in the media center.  I used  Kente cloth printed fabric (that a parent let me borrow) and lots of books to showcase books with African American writers, illustrators and/or characters (the librarian helped me with the books, she's fabulous).

-I made a PowerPoint of black history month facts to be shown each day in February on our school news.  The facts also rotate throughout the day on the classroom televisions.  Here are a couple of samples of what I created:

Gabby Douglas

President Obama

-I also will focus on diversity & acceptance of others in my monthly class visit lessons.  Click here for book ideas and lessons.

-We'll have a lunch celebration for the staff celebrating Black History Month (soul food menu).

And don't forget about my African-American inventors from A-Z bulletin board, I shared with you earlier.

What plans to you have to celebrate black history month in your school?

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