
Monday, November 12, 2012

Counselor Blog Shout Out: Cool School Counseling

This month's counselor blog shout out is:

Cool School Counseling

Lauren is indeed a "cool school counselor" out of VA sharing her creative and great school counseling lessons and ideas.  I'm super impressed that as a 2nd year counselor Lauren has even found time to write an awesome blog.  I certainly know that I wouldn't be able to keep up a blog from my 1st-4th years as a counselor, so kudos to you Lauren.

Lauren has shared with us ways to incorporate community service into her counseling program (I'm working on that too!) and had a great bulletin board idea to show the connection between the two.

Lauren has also put the "character" into character education with costumes for each trait (so creative).

This is a blog that I look forward to reading more so add Cool School Counseling to your blog list for more "cool" and neat counselor ideas.

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