
Friday, November 9, 2012

More apps for School Counselors

First off thank you to the many of you wonderful counselors who have contacted me about using your iPads.  I absolutely LOVE connecting with you and LOVE you sharing with me what a great counselor addition an iPad is to your counselor program!  As promised here are a few more (free) apps that I've found to be helpful:

Classic Clock HD Free:  If you attended the Tech Smackdown at the 2012 ASCA conference, this was the app we used to keep track of our 3 min per tech resource tech time limit.  I've found it quite useful in the counseling world too.  It's great for a transitions and to help speed up transitions among students.  It's just something about the visual effect of a stopwatch that helps put a little more pep in their step.  I also use the timer feature for students that come frequently and would talk all day if I let them (and most of the time it's NOT a pressing issue).  I let the students set the timer for 10-20 mins with the understanding that whatever needs to be shared needs to be done within that time frame.  This has worked well with my "frequent visitors" and most know the routine of setting the time.

Sesame Street for Military Families:   I attended a training on working with military families and we were given the DVD to use, but now it's available as an app!  I don't have many military families at my school, however there are some students that have a relative serving and protecting our country. I think that this is a fantastic app to use with students and parents. There are videos, articles & worksheets (in both English & Spanish).  What an awesome app!  Special thanks to the brave women and men who serve in the US armed forces, we certainly appreciate what you do!

Touch & Learn Emotions: App that helps students identify emotions based on facial expressions.

First Aid:  A handy app from the Red Cross to have when in doubt about how to handle medical situations.  This app provides videos, descriptions and signs to look for during an emergency.

Distress, this is perfect for school counselors!

Too Loud:  Based on the noise level this app shows when the noise level gets to loud and gives a message that the level may damage your hearing.  This app is very sensitive to noise and I'm not sure how totally accurate it is, but if you have a talkative class, this may do the trick in keeping them quiet.  I know of several classes that I'll be sharing this with!

Do you have any counselor apps to add to the list?  Please share.


  1. My students really like the "Shredder" (part of the Sosh program). It allows them to type in a negative thought/idea and then they can drag it down into the shredder, which looks just like a paper shredder, and destroys the negative thought for them. Not all kids will respond well to this, but I found it worked with many!

  2. Any apps found useful for a Nexus (Android) device?
