
Friday, November 16, 2012

2012 NCSCA conference

I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at this year's North Carolina School Counselor Association (NCSCA) conference in Greensboro, NC.  Each year this conference allows me to connect/network with other school counselors, get great ideas from the breakout sessions and come back with fresh ideas to try at my own school.   I have attended this conference each year that I have been a school counselor and this year was hands down the best one that I'd been to.

The opening keynote speaker Dr. Rita Pierson was so funny, insightful and inspiring.  She had the full attention of the audience and was a phenomenal speaker!

Dr. Rita Pierson

I had the pleasure of sharing iPad tips & tricks with a wonderful and excited group of school counselors.  Two of my classmates from the Advanced School Counseling Program at UNC-Greensboro were in the audience and it was so good to see them.  If you're still thinking about the program, there's still time to apply (deadline is 12/01/12).

My classmates from UNC-Greensboro: Gina & April.

Next I attended a session on "A practical guide to elementary book clubs for boys and girls" presented by fabulous counselor pal Angela Poovey, who always has fun and practical ideas.  I certainly got some more ideas to use in my book club and some great book suggestions.

Angela Poovey shares awesome book club suggestions.

I also attended "Creative activities for small group counseling"presented by the amazing Dianne Senn, (whom I'm sure many of us own several of her books).  She shared some great group lessons and activities that I'm sure I'll be using in the near future.

After all the sessions, it was time to let loose!  There was a mixer with food + dancing= fun!  We all know that the Cupid Shuffle, Wobble, or Cha Cha slide will bring the masses to the dance floor.

Cupid Shuffle!

Cha Cha Slide

I was able to meet many of you wonderful NC jyjcounselor blog readers (thank you so much for reading).  I certainly enjoyed meeting you all!

Any type of professional conference is a great way to meet other school counselors and get great ideas.  As I said, I had a blast at this year conference.  I'm looking forward to attending upcoming state conferences in the spring (Kentucky & Arizona counselor peeps, I'll see you in March).  Have you attended or are you planning on attending your state's school counselor conference?

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