
Friday, June 28, 2013

Next Stop Philadelphia... for the ASCA Conference!

-Bags packed: check
-Presentation notes ready: check
-Super excited to attend ASCA conference: check

I'm only days away from attending and presenting at the ASCA conference (click here for information on downloading the conference app). I'm so excited to go to Philadelphia!  I had an absolute blast last year and am super excited about attending this year's conference.  I have a very strong feeling that I'll be coming back with even more ideas for next year.  It's a good thing that I have this summer to process and brainstorm all the info that I know I'll bring back!  If you'll be in Philadelphia for the conference, please comment below or if you see me at the conference please stop me and say hello (it won't frighten me, I'm from the South so I'm used to it).  Please join myself and other school counselor bloggers at the school counselor meet & greet (Tues 07/02 from 8:00-9:00pm), hosted by blog buddy Danielle Schultz from the School Counselor Blog.  I look forward to connecting with other school counselors during this grand event. 

 Also if you're attending please attend the Counselor Tech Smackdown Session on Monday, 07/01 from 1:00-4:00.  I'll be co-presenting with wonderful counselors Russ Sabella, Erin Mason, Danielle Schultz and Julia Taylor and I'll also be presenting on Wednesday 07/03 from 9:00-10:15 with Danielle on our favorite counselor topic..."Get Your Blog On", which we'll talk about getting your own school counselor blog up and running.   An upcoming post on my ASCA conference experience will come soon. 

Will you be attending this year's ASCA conference?

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