
Sunday, May 5, 2013

May #scchat: iPads In School Counseling

I am super excited to share that I'll be moderating this month's #scchat on Twitter on Tuesday,  May 7th!  Our topic of discussion will be using iPads in school counseling K-12.  Please join us to share your favorite iPad apps, how you use your iPad at your school or even if you're on the fence about using an iPad at your school.

The #scchat will begin at 8pm EST

If you haven't participated in a Twitter #scchat, boy are you in for a treat!  This is great professional development that can be done from the comforts of your home.  These awesome chats are planned and coordinated by Danielle Schultz and Erin Mason who I have the pleasure of presenting with at this year's ASCA conference (shameless plug).

For directions on how to participate in the #scchat click here.  To see previous #scchat transcripts click here.

Don't forget to join us on Tuesday, May 7th at 8pm EST for the chat.  Looking forward to tweeting with you!

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