
Monday, October 29, 2012

Licensure in Advanced School Counseling

Would you like to gain additional or advanced training in school counseling?  Would you like to interact with school counselors from across the state? Would you like to increase your
salary? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then you should consider applying for the Post-master’s Certificate in Advanced School Counseling (PMC-ACS) program at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Greensboro. *Please note that this program is currently offered only to school counselors in North Carolina (sorry out of state counselor peeps).  The PMC-ACS program offers a complete online program to earn an S (specialist) license. Most school systems recognize the completion of the program and the S license as an advanced degree in terms of salary increase.

You can complete the PMC-ASC program in four semesters. Participants move through the program as cohorts and take courses completely online. If you’ve never taken an online class don’t worry. An initial class meeting on the UNC- Greensboro campus covers what to expect and how to navigate the online courses. The program offers evening classes and modified schedules to meet the needs of professional school counselors.  The modified schedule means that it caters to a school schedule and you get a full summer off with no class!

I completed the PMC-ASC program in 2011 and was extremely pleased with the program and courses. I really enjoyed my classmates, it was great to interact with them and my very insightful professors. Although the classes were completely online, it felt like I was in an actual “class.” I highly recommend this program.

Applicants for the PMC-ACS program must do the following.
-Apply to the graduate school at UNC- Greensboro.
-Submit an official copy of a transcript for each school attended.
-Submit a resume. 
-Submit a personal statement of goals for the PMC-ASC program. 
-Submit a copy of your North Carolina teacher/counselor license. 
-Submit a letter of recommendation from your principal or administrator.
The application deadline is Dec. 1, 2012.
For more information on the PMC Program, click here and click on Post Master's Certificates.  

1 comment:

  1. Yup, i really want to gain advanced training in school counseling, I'm now searching for online school counseling programs. Thanks for your suggestion.
