
Friday, September 28, 2012

Counselor Tech Shout Out: Great (free) website & app to use in cyberbullying lesson

Technology is a wonderful tool when used correctly.  For a lesson on cyberbullying & Internet safety,  I plan to use the website Professor Garfield & the Infinite Learning Lab.  Which is an awesome website about how to be safe on the Internet.  There are 10 kid friendly video lessons that cover: Cyberbulling, Self-Esteem, Self-Control, Peer Pressure, Listening, Online Safety, Fact or Opinion,  Giving Back, Diversity and Forms of Media. 

If you're using your iPad, the videos are replaced by a comic strip (iPad doesn't support flash which the videos are on).  Click here to download the app.  I will say that the comic strip stories are kind of long so I'll most likely be showing the video clips from my laptop.

Comic strip version (for the iPad)
What I also like about this website/app is that there's quiz on the topics discussed where the students drag the correct answer in the box (great for those of us that use Smart/Promethan boards, which makes it totally interactive for the students). 

Here's your post test plus there are many questions where most students could take a turn and come up to the Smart/Promethan boards and answer.  I like this website/app and think that it will be a great addition to my lesson on safety using the Internet for students.

Do you have any great cyber safety websites or apps that you use for classroom lessons?

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